Categories: The WebToolbox

4 Free SEO Tools to Analyze Your Website

There are more than 200 secret factors Google uses to evaluate a website to ultimately determines which sites to show for which search queries. Obviously, content is the king that can never be overlooked. However, there are many other aspects that could affect your site ranking. A site with very good and well structured content but built on a crappy old technology with many broken holes in the code will definitely end up in a very poor position.

Here are 4 free SEO tools that analyze your website to find out your weaknesses are and what are the steps to fix them.

1. Varvy SEO Tool

Varvy SEO Tool provides users with information regarding their domain strength, links, image SEO, social counts and mentions, page/technical SEO, page speed, and more. Punch in the website you want to analyze and be ready to digest the loads of information within a minute.

Varvy also has many other useful tools to analyze many other aspects of your website, such as Mobile SEO Tool, Page Speed Tool, Google Guideline Tool, etc.

2. Found’s SEO Audit Tool

Found’s SEO Audit Tool is a free online tool to identify common SEO errors on a website, breaking down into 4 main parts:

  • Canonicalisation
  • Technical implementation
  • Meta data & content – focus on influential factors like keywords and meta data
  • Link information – aims to evaluate the quantity and quality of external links.

Once you have a report done, the tool makes it easy for you to download the result as a PDF to be easily shared within your organization.

3. HubSpot’s Website Grader

Website Grader is an online tool that generates personalized reports based on the following key metrics:

  • Performance – page size, requests, speed and some other aspects.
  • Mobile Readiness – responsive readiness and view ports settings.
  • SEO – to determine if your website is easy to find – by both humans and bots. This determination will take factors like page titles and meta descriptions into consideration.
  • Security

All you need is your website URL and an email address to get started. Simply plug in your information and you can expect a score (1-100) as well as a detailed report in just a matter of seconds.

4. SEO SiteCheckup

SEO SiteCheckup is a very user-friendly online website SEO analysis and monitoring tool that not only provides a paid service for unlimited website analysis but also offers a wide range of free SEO tools to check up your website. And of course, you can get the full blown report for one or two websites without paying a dime.

The nice thing about SEO SiteCheckup report is that when it finds an error on your site, it displays a red button “How to Fix” that once clicked pops up a dialog box with some more information how to fix this particular problem. Very handy, I would say.

Final words

It’s worth noting that these tools are more focused on the technical aspect of the weaknesses on your website, rather than analyzing your content to see if they are Google-ready. To get a better picture of how well your site performs under Google’s Webmaster Guideline, run reports through all 4 of these tools. Each tool has its pros and cons. Running through all of them will have better chance having more covered.


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