Windows 10 finally embraces the PDF format everyone already uses, including a Print to PDF feature virtually available everywhere, from any desktop application or universal app that supports printing, and a browser that can natively open PDF format files.
By default, Microsoft Edge is your PDF reader on Windows 10. Double-click a PDF file will open it up straight in Edge. You can then read through the document the same way as you do in Adobe Reader. You can also Zoom in/out, search text in the file, and Save as a copy on your local computer.
You can even Pin the PDF you are reading to Start so you can easily access it next time, which makes things quite convenient.
Since Print to PDF is virtually available everywhere in Windows 10, Edge takes advantage of it and is able to take any web page into a PDF version of it. Simply press Ctrl + P, select Microsoft Print to PDF as the Printer.
As you can see, there are also a few print options available for you to choose, such as Orientation, Pages to print, Scale level, Margins, or Headers and Footers.
Click Print button to start. A notification will pop up from the notification area when finished. The final PDF document will be saved in Documents folder automatically. You don’t need to specify where to save and what name to choose.