Popcorn Time, the most popular version of the torrent streaming application, has been shut down for good. But is this really the end of the era of an amazing service? Can we still use Popcorn Time after it’s been shutdown? Moreover, can we still use it to stream the content to Chromecast to enjoy more?
Here are a few options:
Option 1: the web version
The good news is that there is also a web version of Popcorn Time that you can enjoy. Use it in Google Chrome with Google Cast extension, you can stream the content to your big TV and enjoy more.
But the bad news is that the owner of the website has to move over the domain a couple of times since the launch in the wake of legal pressure. The site creator, a 15-year-old teen named Milan Kragujevic, had to hand over the site to his close friend because of this pressure. The site is now trying to avoid being taken down again by switching over to a domain registrar in the Bahamas and a data host in Bulgaria. How well will it go? Not sure, but while it’s alive, why not enjoying it for the moment?
Option 2: the Popcorn Time project fork
Inspired by the original idea, there is this project fork that provides the similar service, also called Popcorn Time, with the claim “This Popcorn Time service will never be taken down”.
The latest version is at version 5.4 which supports both Chromecast and Apple TV stream devices. It requires a WiFi connection on your computer to be able to find the Chromecast dongles. But once it’s connected, it works fairly well and performance is quite smooth.
To stream the content to Chromecast, open the movie you want to watch, click Watch Now, and then once it started streaming, click the TV monitor icon at the bottom right corner. Then pick the available Chromecast to stream.
This project fork also has a mobile app for both iOS and Android that has VPN built-in.
Option 3: the original Popcorn Time
If you still like the original Popcorn Time, especially when you still have it installed on your computer, you actually can still use it. There will be a few more steps to get the movie started but it still works.
Since the service is down, you won’t be able to find the torrent feeds automatically through the application. Instead, you will need to either download the movie feeds manually through torrent sites or use the built-in search feature “Search on KAT”.
When you are on search page in Popcorn Time, you can either type in the name of the show or movie in the search box and click the magnify glass to search the torrent feed, or if you already have the feed downloaded drop it into the Drop Magnet or .torrent box in the program.
Then select the feed you want to download and watch, click the TV icon at the bottom of the window to select the Chromecast device from the list.
If you don’t have original Popcorn Time installed, you can download the application below and install it on your computer.
Option 4: wait it out
Since the site is shut down, Sardi, the former Popcorn Time developer, along with other members of the development team opted to split off and start a new project called the Butter Project. Nothing has taken off the ground yet but that is something that is worth waiting on.