How To Run Microsoft Edge Extensions in Chrome

Now that there are some Extensions Preview available for Microsoft Edge, it’s time to try them out in Chrome and see if they are indeed compatible.

First of all, let’s get the extension package first:

  1. Go to Microsoft Edge Extensions page to find and download the extension you want to put in Chrome.
  2. Run the extension package to extract the content in a folder.

Microsoft Edge - extract the extension package

Then, open Extensions page in Chrome, and check the option “Developer mode.” Three more buttons show up, one of which is called Load unpacked extension. Click it and select the extension folder to install.

Chrome Extension - developer mode

Most likely, you will get an error indicating that the “manifest_version” must be presented, like below.

Chrome - errorr installing edge extension

It’s easy enough to fix. Open manifest.json file in the extension package folder and add the following line to it.

"manifest_version": 2

Manifest jason file with the version

Then click Retry button to install it again. Horrray!

Mouse Gestures Welcome Page

Clicking the Mouse Gesture icon on the toolbar opens up the settings page, just like natural Chrome extensions do.

Mouse Gestures Welcome Page - settings

If it’s still failed to load the extension in Chrome, most likely some Locale files need to be cleaned up. Go into the _locales folder in Extension Package folder and delete all folders except the _locale\en folder which is for English. And then try again.

Good luck and enjoy.

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